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Pacific Rim Magazine

The layouts that I crafted for Pacific Rim Magazine reverberate with my commitment to transforming content into captivating visual narratives. Through meticulous arrangement of images, typography, and whitespace, these designs breathe life into the written word, amplifying the magazine’s impact. This project serves as a testament to my dedication in harmonizing aesthetic coherence with narrative coherence.

“Don’t Feed the Whale Sharks”

Embodying my proficiency in travel journalism and narrative craftsmanship, the travel article ‘Don’t Feed the Whalesharks,’ featured in Pacific Rim Magazine, stands as a testament to my ability to weave engaging narratives that transport readers to distant realms. This article demonstrates my dedication to illuminating both the allure and the ethical nuances of travel experiences, encouraging conscientious exploration. It showcases my aptitude for capturing both the essence of destinations and the underlying narratives that enrich the traveler’s journey.

Online Magazine

I am privileged to present a pivotal contribution to my professional portfolio that illuminates my role as a WordPress Designer during the Advanced Web Design course within the Digital & Print Publishing program. Tasked with conceiving a novel WordPress theme for the Pacific Rim online magazine, I played an instrumental role in translating static designs into dynamic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP template files. My responsibilities extended to crafting a seamless Navigation menu, meticulously designing Article pages, and infusing the magazine with engaging CSS animations.

This endeavor culminated in the online magazine’s prestigious recognition as the ‘Website of the Year’ at the College Media Association’s Pinnacle Awards, underscoring my ability to merge design finesse with technical expertise.
